Cheeky turtles and duffy duck

hi i this me the cheekyturtles

Sunday, March 25, 2007

hamish looking so big now and making funny faces

this is duncan alan king with roostar jumper that his granny made he so proud

this my nephews playing with their grandad i like that picture

this is my friend on fso we meet at event his name is owen

This is about Manchester untied

This is about Manchester untied

This is cool team and they always try to win and not smarty pants like the teams,
And they like good and win all the time and never lose game unless they lose. And Paul schoes know how to play and Andy cole is good player cool too.And they better then that aresnal team.

This is about summer and winter

when the wind is cold and it raining I like get warm with clothes on and listen to wind when the wind rattles I feel the vibrate of the wind but I do not hear wind. I feel wind and when rain is hard I like to get away from the rain and feel the rain on the roof tapping away on the roof and also I like to have warm shower to keep me warm and also warm fire so that we don’t get cold.

There is different kind of winter in the New Zealand and some have snow and some have rain and no wind and some thunder storms and floods but not usually floods.

When it is summer I like to go outside in nice sunshine and wearing shorts and t-shirts drinking coke or beer and sun bathing and love to work outside all day. And listen birds singing with the vibrates and the trucks and cars go by and kids and adults enjoying them self. I also like when we have family outing as family in garden or at their house and enjoy the fun with kids of my sister which are my nephews. And enjoyed watching the cricket and I love summer.

And that end of my poem it might not be good one but I try.

My Life

My name is Charles Timothy Pratt (but people called me Tim) I am 26 year old. And I am born in 1980 and born in untied kingdom in place called charfield in goushire in England.

And I was 3 month early baby and I was premature baby with was 2 pounds, which is size of lump of butter even sugar anyway I was born in cottage in bathroom and I nearly died. I was found that I had problem because I would stop crying and they took me to have test on my hearing at age of 1 year old and my parents found out that I was deaf. But they didn’t believe it then they took me again

when I was three old and found it was true. but they were in shocked. But they got over that. Then I started to wearing hearing aids started normal life like another kids would but did have problems at school through like reading and writing and but don’t we all. But in our life we went to England and back quite but when I was 10 or 11 year we decided to stay in New Zealand for good, we have family in UK in Wales and Ireland and London and Bristol.

I went to few school in England and only one can remember was rod junior primary .we used go trip around places like Buckingham place and phantom of opera and lots of other places but when saw phantom of opera I fell sleep through I don’t know why I guess I was tired. Anyway when I come back new Zealand first school I went to was rangkirua school in Wellington and I also went to school in Tawa called Hampton hill school and then I went to nightmare school called Tawa immediate school and then I went to van Asch deaf education centre for five years there also did some course there like cooking and baking and sandwich hand. And lots of cooking and sport course too like rocking climbing, kayaking and lots and used go out lots of events at school and when in boarding homes but cant name it all or go on forever.

And then when I left school I did a computer course then went on to work based training called trade and commerce and then I went to computers in course called porirua training centre and then I left there did at horticulture course at te whanaga o aotea in horticulture. Then I went to porirua training centre again and did a work base training course and did some work experience. One thing in my found really interesting was the outward bound course I did in 2001 that was amazing experience I had ever tired in my life but it was hardest thing I think ever done in that area I reckon, we did lots of things that u do in bush and u learn lot on those course you know what your fears is, like for my example height and water I learnt lot since then but it not really given me confident I don’t know why. Now I am doing work at porirua college as ground men at school doing gardening and rubbish and that is contact for two years I was at work base training course and before that I was doing child care work for 3 months and I also help few in gardens in people homes and help out and I also stay on dole for the least last six years and play ten pin bowling in leauage. And now play for team at night called Tuesday night league and I playing since 2001 and that when I started to join to play Deaf tourment for labour weekend in Wellington and I also play for queen birthday in Christchurch but I come last in tourment. But now I am looking for another Job in Wellington or Tawa but not sure what I want to do yet. I also go on dating site called find someone site to find single people like me and I am always in ten pin bowling. I do know sign language and I am sometime going to Deaf clubs or I find Deaf around places. I know different between Deaf and Hearing people but I am severely deaf with I can hear but I am more invold with Deaf people but there is some things I trouble with and that I got mild intellectual disabitlty but that not mean I cant enjoyed normal life like normal person Apart from that I enjoyed my life meet new people anyone any cultures or Deaf or hearing doesn’t matter I respect people in all life and that why I reason I wanted to write about me that all I think of book.

The end.

Ten pin bowling poem

When I play ten pin bowling I stand in position where I can see where I am going strike the ball and then go down lane and then I hear this broom and the pins fall over and knock them down and then I get strike and sometime when the broom does not sound that mean that is does not broom and then I started wonder why did does not go broom and because I hit in same place and I don’t quite understand but anyway I go for the spare and then it knock down broom go go go and that is my poem for this bowling one

About me being Deaf

I am normal person and I found that people in world does not understand how well I can be just like everyone else. Reason I did this so that u understand what feel about me and not that I am dumb and not because that is hard I have disability that people maybe not understand about it but they might I just deaf and not understand why people think I am different from everyone else but really I am not I am same as everyone but I may not be perfect but u can’t help that in life and maybe it hard me to get things I want. But I get there in end and u will know what mean if u know me that well.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


i been chatting to girl in dunedin and we chat online and text all the time and we are going meet soon i think